Welcome aboard Australia’s leading material lifting and handling technology company.
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RUD Australia celebrated 40 years in November 2024. From humble beginnings in 1984 in a garage on the south side of Brisbane to a 6000m2 facility in Larapinta QLD, including an office and warehouse in Perth, we have come a long way as one of the most trusted companies in the lifting, lashing and material handling industry.
Our journey continues:
We celebrated our 40th anniversary with a gala dinner event in Brisbane. The evening was filled with fun, entertainment, camaraderie and speeches, going down memory lane of the 40-year journey.
With a 40-year history in Australia, RUD is committed to excellence in chain technology. We strive to be at the forefront of technology and innovation, such as our latest 9-axis robotic welder, which will drive our growth through continuous improvement for the future.
Welcome aboard Australia’s leading material lifting and handling technology company.
Click the button to read about us, our products, news, blog posts and everything happening at RUD in Australia and around the world.
Welcome aboard Australia’s leading material lifting and handling technology company.
Click the button to read about us, our products, news, blog posts and everything happening at RUD in Australia and around the world.
Welcome aboard Australia’s leading material lifting and handling technology company.
Click the button to read about us, our products, news, blog posts and everything happening at RUD in Australia and around the world.
Welcome aboard Australia’s leading material lifting and handling technology company.
Click the button to read about us, our products, news, blog posts and everything happening at RUD in Australia and around the world.
A Tyre Protection Chain is ideal for creating a barrier between the tyres and the ground surface. TPCs provide maximum protection to sidewalls and tread areas, virtually eliminating tyre failures from rock cuts and staking. This guarantees maximum production from the loader and peace of mind with unplanned tyre maintenance expenses.
The Problem
Australian hard rock quarries have some of the most challenging environments in the world for rubber tyred machines. Boral Quarries' West Burleigh site has been providing road base and other quality aggregates into the Gold Coast and surrounding areas for many years. Maintaining uninterrupted supply is essential to the area’s economic growth and their rubber tyred CAT988G loader is a major asset in the quarrying process. Unplanned tyre failure can cause havoc to production schedules and require expensive and ‘hard to get’ replacement tyres.
The Solution
RUD Chains have been providing TPCs to West Burleigh for over a decade and have fitted a further four chains to their CAT988G wheel loader. The FELS Gigant Plus X19 close mesh ‘extra heavy duty’ Tyre Protection Chain has been proven in Australia and around the world as the best-performing chain for hard rock quarry applications.
More on the Gigant Plus X19
The Benefit
RUD’s Gigant Plus X19 provides maximum protection to sidewalls and tread areas, virtually eliminating tyre failures from rock cuts and staking. West Burleigh Quarry can now be confident that they will achieve maximum production from the loader and avoid unplanned tyre expenses.
West Burleigh quarry’s traction and fuel usage has improved, and tyre replacement has been reduced by up to 6 times.
What the customer says
“We see our long-term relationship with RUD Chains more as a partnership than supplier and customer. RUD’s product keeps our tyre costs down - a major expense for any quarry operation. With guaranteed production, our return on investment for the chains is exceptional.”
Article copyright to RUD, this information is accurate at the time of publication and RUD Australia takes no responsibility for any errors, inadvertent or otherwise. Some pictures are for illustration only. For more details on how RUD can help with your crane requirements, please call us on 07 3809 1300 or fill out an enquiry form here.
Welcome aboard Australia’s leading material lifting and handling technology company.
Click the button to read about us, our products, news, blog posts and everything happening at RUD in Australia and around the world.
Who is RUD?
RUD is a leading German manufacturer of Tyre Protection Chains (TPCs), supplying 65% of the global market. With a strong focus on innovation, consistency, and quality, RUD sets the industry standard. Our reputation for excellence stems from our commitment to delivering top-quality TPCs designed to provide superior protection and traction in various on-site conditions.
What is a Tyre Protection Chain?
A TPC is a closed mesh of high alloy, hardened steel chains that protect the tread and sidewalls of tyres. These chains are flexible, allowing them to adjust to every deformation of the tyre. They have high levels of self-cleaning, preventing the tread mesh from becoming filled and clogged while providing the best possible protection and traction.
Why is a Tyre Protection Chain important?
All vehicle tyres in production sites face hazardous challenges such as sharp and jagged rocks, and muddy and slippery surfaces. Even if the tyres are new, such surfaces can result in punctures or blowouts which lead to equipment downtime, loss of productivity, and delays in projects. Also, specialised tyres are expensive and take time to source, which escalates replacement costs. Premature deterioration of tyres is a costly inconvenience that can be minimized using TPCs.
RUD is the major supplier of Tyre Protection Chains around the world.
RUD offers TPCs suitable for a wide range of tyre sizes, from as small as 21/7-R10 of an all-terrain Segway to the largest rubber tyre loader tyre on the market, the 70/70-R57 used for the Komatsu 2350 Loader. These chains are essential in hazardous environments such as mining, quarrying, construction, and scrap metal/recycling, preventing tyre damage, punctures, blowouts, and costly downtime. RUD provides TPCs for both open-cut and underground mining applications, as well as traction chains for slippery and boggy conditions.
With RUD’s TPCs, you can be assured of increased tyre lifespan, improved traction, reduced machine downtime, cost savings, and enhanced workforce utilisation. TPCs minimise the need for frequent tyre changes, saving time, money, and labour. With TPCs in place, scheduled work can proceed smoothly, avoiding unexpected failures and disruptions.
RUD's expertise goes beyond product supply. We provide a huge range of replacement parts and special tooling along with guidance, training, and regular service inspections to ensure optimal TPC selection, installation, and maintenance across Australia. To further enhance tyre protection and safety, additional solutions like tyre pressure monitoring systems (TPMS), regular tyre inspections, and tyre rotation can also be employed.
Through RUD's recommendations, you can maintain tyre condition, extend their life, and minimise punctures, blowouts, and other issues. RUD's German heritage ensures a commitment to innovation, consistency, and quality, making us a trusted partner in tyre protection.
Article copyright to RUD, this information is accurate at the time of publication and RUD Australia takes no responsibility for any errors inadvertent or otherwise.
If you want to know how the team at RUD can help you with tyre protection chains, please call 07 3809 1300 or fill out an enquiry form here.